Talks & Conferences
Conferences, Workshops and Seminars I (co-)organised
LMS/EPSRC Durham Symposium: Higher Structures in M-Theory, Durham University, August 12-18, 2018.
Workshop on Higher Gauge Theory and Higher Quantization, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, June 26/27 2014.
Seminar series of the Edinburgh Mathematical Physics Group, 2009-2015
Seminar series at Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 2006-2007
International Workshop on Fuzzy Physics and Noncommutative Geometry, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 2007.
Slides from my talks
- Variations on the Topological B-Model in Twistor String Theory
19.3.2005, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, during the workshop “Beyond the Standard Model” - The Mini-Superambitwistor Space
28.7.2005, BLTP, JINR, Dubna, during the workshop “Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries (SQS’05)” - Aspects of Twistor String Theory
4.11.2005, Werner-Heisenberg-Institut, München - Matrix Models and D-Branes in Twistor String Theory
18.1.2006, DESY, Hamburg - Matrix Models and D-Branes in Twistor String Theory
13.5.2006, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, during the 13th Irish Quantum Field Theory Meeting - Lecture on Supertwistors
24.5.2006, Edinburgh Mathematical Physics Group - On the Phase Diagram of Fuzzy Scalar Field Theory
13.5.2007, Bayrischzell, during the workshop on Non-Commutativity and Physics in Bayrischzell 2007 - On the Phase Diagram of Fuzzy Scalar Field Theory
17.5.2007, Imperial College, London - Fuzzy scalar field theory as a multitrace matrix model
31.7.2007, BLTP, JINR, Dubna, during the workshop “Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries (SQS’07)” - Matrix Models in Twistor String Theory
23.8.2007, U Durham, during the conference “Twistor, Strings and Scattering Amplitudes” - Field Theory on Fuzzy Spaces
29.11.2007, U Tours - Generalized Berezin Quantization, Bergman Metrics and Fuzzy Laplacians
17.6.2008, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, during the “First Annual Meeting of Noncommutative Geometry Network” - Generalized Berezin-Toep\-litz Quantization and Aspects of the Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson Theory
18.1.2009, Edinburgh University - On the Effective Description of Multiple M2-Branes
9.2.2009, Trinity College Dublin - On the Effective Description of Multiple M2-Branes
4.3.2009, Edinburgh Mathematical Physics Group - On the Effective Description of Multiple M2-Branes
24.3.2009, U Amsterdam - On Stacks of M2-Branes
15.5.2009, Trinity College Dublin, during the “16th Irish Quantum Field Theory Meeting” - Marginal Deformations and 3-Algebra Structures
30.9.2009, U Edinburgh, during the “25th North British Mathematical Physics Seminar” - The Geometry of M2-Branes Ending on M5-Branes
29.5.2010, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, during the “17th Irish Quantum Field Theory Meeting” - M2-Branes Ending on M5-Branes
15.6.2010, ICMS, Edinburgh, during the workshop “Hodge theoretic reflections on the string landscape” - Constructing Self-Dual Strings
19.1.2011, Edinburgh Mathematical Physics Group - Constructing Self-Dual Strings
20.1.2011, QMUL, London - Monopoles, Integrability and M-Theory
17.2.2011, ANU, Canberra - Quantization of Two-Plectic Manifolds
29.4.2011, Institute of Mathematics, Bucharest, during the fourth annual meeting of the EU-NCG Research Training Network - Describing M5-branes using Loop Spaces
3.5.2011, U Liverpool - M2-Brane Theories and Marginal Deformations
4.5.2011, U Liverpool - Describing M5-branes using Loop Spaces
5.5.2011, DAMTP, Cambridge - Describing M5-branes using Loop Spaces
11.5.2011, Imperial College London - Quantization of Two-Plectic Manifolds
22.5.2011, Bayrischzell, during the workshop on Non-Commutativity and Physics in Bayrischzell 2011 - Describing M5-branes using Loop Spaces
31.5.2011, CTP, UC Berkeley - Integrable and Noncommutative Field Theories
28.6.2011, U Surrey - Quantization of 2-plectic Manifolds
9.9.2011, Corfu Summer Institute, during the “Workshop on Noncommutative Field Theory and Gravity” - Towards Describing M5-branes with Loop Space
29.10.2011, U Durham, during the 31st North British Mathematical Physics Seminar - Matrix Models and Scalar Field Theories on Noncommutative Spaces
4.11.2011, U Glasgow, during the workshop “Young Researchers in Mathematical Physis” - M-branes and Loop Spaces
22.2.2012, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, during the program “Mathematics and Applications of Branes in String and M-theory” - Geometry of Higher Yang-Mills Fields
23.1.2013, Edinburgh Mathematical Physics Group - Geometry of Higher Yang-Mills Fields
1.2.2013, U Durham, during the workshop “Symmetries and Geometry of Branes in String/M-Theory” - M2-brane models
10.4.2013, String Theory Seminar, U Adelaide - M-theory and higher gauge theory
12.4.2013, Differential Geometry Seminar, U Adelaide - Twistor Geometry and Superconformal Field Theories
22.4.2013, U Melbourne, during the workshop “Strings and Super Yang-Mills” - Non-Abelian Tensor Multiplet Field Equations from Twistor Space
11.6.2013, Relativity Seminar, Oxford - M-Theory and Higher Gauge Theory
3.12.2013, U Surrey - Lie 2-algebra Models
11.12.2013, Edinburgh Mathematical Physics Group - Integrability and Geometric Quantization with Loop Spaces
31.7.2014, U Greifswald, during the workshop “String Geometry and Loop Spaces” - Higher Gauge Theory and M-theory
11.8.2014, Riemann Centre, U Hannover, during the workshop “Gauge Theories in Higher Dimensions” - Higher Gauge Theory and M-Theory
26.3.2015, QMUL, London - Lie 2-algebra Models
29.5.2015, U Surrey - Higher IKKT Models
10.12.2015, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies - Looking for the Classical (2,0)-Theory
3.2.2016, Edinburgh Mathematical Physics Group - Looking for the Classical (2,0)-Theory
14.3.2016, U Tokyo - Looking for the Classical (2,0)-Theory
16.3.2016, Yukawa Institute - Categorical Description of Gauge Theory
14.4.2016, Edinburgh, during the workshop “Categories, Logic and Physics” - Principal String 2-Group Bundles and M-Branes
26.7.2016, U Jena, during the workshop “CQSYMP16” - Extended Riemannian Geometry I: Local Double Field Theory
3.12.2016, U Surrey - Extended Riemannian Geometry I: Local Double Field Theory
1.2.2017, Edinburgh Mathematical Physics Group - Extended Riemannian Geometry I: Local Double Field Theory
29.3.2017, King’s College London - How Category Theory Simplified My Life
12.4.2017, U Surrey, during the British Appled Mathematics Colloquium - The Elementary Non-Abelian Self-Dual String and the (2,0)-Theory
23.4.2017, Bayrischzell, during Bayrischzell Workshop 2017 - The Elementary Non-Abelian Self-Dual String and the (2,0)-Theory
9.5.2017, INFN Torino - Extended Riemannian Geometry and Double Field Theory
9.6.2017, IRB Zagreb, during the workshop “Dualities 2017” - The Self-Dual String and the (2,0)-Theory from Higher Structures
24.7.2017, Técnico, Lisbon, during the workshop “Higher Structures Lisbon 2017” - An M5-Brane Model
5.12.2017, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies - Towards an M5-brane model: A 6d superconformal field theory
1.3.2018, U Leeds, during the workshop “Higher Gauge Theory” - Towards an M5-brane model: A 6d superconformal field theory
21.3.2018, KU Leuven - Towards an M5-brane model: A 6d superconformal field theory
15.5.2018, ENS Paris - Towards an M5-brane model: A 6d superconformal field theory
22.5.2018, U Oxford - From Gauge Theory to Higher Gauge Theory
30.5.2018, U Surrey, colloquium talk - Symmetries from Derived Brackets
31.5.2018, U Surrey - The Non-Abelian Self-Dual String and a 6d Superconformal Field Theory
15.8.2018, U Durham, during the LMS/EPSRC workshop “Higher Structures in M-Theory” - Higher Gauge Theories and Superconformal Field Theories in 6d
10.12.2018, NU Singapore, during the workshop “String and M-Theory: The New Geometry of the 21st Century” - Strong Homotopy Lie Algebras of Classical Field Theories
17.1.2019, U York - Strong Homotopy Lie Algebras of Classical Field Theories
20.2.2019, Edinburgh Mathematical Physics Group - The (2,0)-Theory and Higher Gauge Theory
11.4.2019, U Prague - Strong Homotopy Lie Algebras and Field Theories
20.9.2019, Corfu Summer Institute - Towards an M5-Brane Model: Progress Report
29.1.2020, NYU Abu Dhabi, during the workshop “M-theory and Mathematics” - Multisymplectic Geometry – Applications to String Theory
11.9.2020, KU Leuven, during the workshop “Multisymplectic Geometry” - Higher Gauge Theory and M5-Branes: An Obstacle Course
2.12.2020, U Nottingham - $EL_\infty$-algebras: Definition and Applications
29.3.2021, Yukawa Institute, during the workshop “Homotopy Algebra of Quantum Field Theory and Its Application” - Adjusted Higher Gauge Theory: Connections and Parallel Transport
7.5.2021, U Lisbon, - $EL_\infty$-algebras, Generalized Geometry, and Tensor Hierarchies
18.6.2021, Exceptional Geometry Seminar Series - $EL_\infty$-algebras, Generalized Geometry, and Tensor Hierarchies
24.9.2021, SFT@Cloud 2021 - From Category Theory to the Large Hadron Collider
29.9.2021, Heriot-Watt U - Perturbative Quantum Field Theory, Color-Kinematics Duality, and Homotopy Algebras
11.4.2022, ITP, Mainz, during the 4th YOUNGST@RS meeting. - Non-Geometric T-duality from Higher Groupoid Bundles with Connections
14.5.2022, Bayrischzell, during the workshop “Higher Structures in Quantum Field and String Theory” - Non-Geometric T-duality from Higher Groupoid Bundles with Connections
18.8.2022, ESI, Vienna, during the workshop “Higher Structures in Quantum Field and String Theory”
"Too many pieces of music finish
too long after the end."
too long after the end."

Igor Stravinsky
Selected Videos
A small selection of my talks have made it to online video repositories.